The Results of Necessity

Cities in the world are growing as greater percentages of populations continue the trend of massing in cities. This brings with it the inherent issue of the coexistence of various different types of people. This range of diversity exists through the various spectrum with each urban environment. One level of diversity that creates conflict is the co-existence of the wealthy and poor.This conflict creates physical implications in the form of slums. The urban populace will exist within it self as a spectrum of super rich and super poor. Both require the same necessity to survive: food, water, shelter. The accessibility of these needs is easily obtained by the wealthy with urban infrastructure and consumerist culture. But obtaining these necessities for the poor creates issues.

The search for shelter becomes more complex when the shear number of poor searching for shelter pushes the carrying capacity of an area. This is the birth of slums. A means to provide shelter for the poor of a city on a sale that can accommodate such a large number of poor. An combining factor of so many different slums is the unplanned, unregulated  ad-hoc nature of slums. But somehow slums still manage to have an implicit order. This establishes communities that do not exist within established parameters or constraints still succumb to some degree of order says something about the nature of slums. This establishes that slums may hold within their own ad-hoc, “make it up as you go” attitude an implicit order. This implicit order may maintain with-in it the capacity to establish an means to convert the slums into thriving urban communities.

More than anything the grain embedded in slums holds that unplanned growth and evolution still maintains order and thus could mean that embed within slums is the possibility of initiating a means to pulls slums out of poverty.The same way that slums have been able to create successful market for goods to be bought and sold slums could be able to create better neighborhood to increase the standard of living using the same system of natural order that develops naturally.

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