The difference between a handout and agency

The idea of mirco-fiance has been showen to be very successful and directly beneficial to those involved in the process. It has helped those who are trapped in a situation where they cannot help exit the cycle of debt and and lack of ability of to help themselves. The reason for this succes though is that this system works not on handouts or charity but on a system of self help.

Instead of simply giving those in need money the micro-fiance system gives those in need a small loan. This means that what ever money is given to the people is returned by the people. This has many benefits to it. This system does not need to rely on continued outside help. Initially this is the case but as loans get paid back the outside help is no longer needed. This allows the people in the people who initially needed assistance to become independent. This independence will have significantly greater benefits then blind charity.

In a more subliminal way the micro-fiancee system also refines the relationship between the helped and the one who is helping. Classically those who received charity are seen as victimized and helpless while those who help are often seen with an altruistic pride. This relationship limits the potential for those in need to have agency. It creates a relationship of dependence. Micro-fiance subverts this by maintaing that those loans are paid back. There is not more charity or one who gives and another who takes. It is now a far more sophisticated relationship.

The idea of self help has been something coming up multiple times. It is clear that blind charity is temporary and limited at best. Once the funds or assest that have been given dry up nothing is often left. Thus giving those in need the ability to help themselves create a system where outside intervention is only needed to begin the process before the individuals are able to to take act on their own and help themselves and their community.

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