Prefabricated IKEA House Potential

The Swedish company IKEA has brought through its “Big Box Store” furniture and appliances at a low-cost. Now, in collaboration with the Oregon based firm Ideabox, they are offering a prefabricated home that can be constructed for around $86,500. Although the Aktiv House may be out of the price range for disaster relief, it reminds society of the efficiency and potential of prefabrication in architecture.

At the beginning of the modern era of architecture, prefabrication was emerging as the new method of construction. It is low cost and produces less waste. The ability to construct several parts at the same time also cuts down on time of construction which makes this method viable for emergency situations.

Although the prefab system is based on producing the same kit of parts for every unit, there is still potential for customization. There is not a single dwelling design that can be picked up and moved anywhere and then fit perfectly within that new environment. Design must be site-specific to have a positive effect on its surroundings. The Aktiv House is not sustainably sensitive to the environment around it, but again it is a reminder of prefab potential. The open layout allows for customization of any IKEA appliances and furniture. Customers can choose the cost, make, style, and even color of the products to fill their home with and it fits efficiently in the Aktiv House.

The Aktiv House is not appropriate for any site. It is a completely inward focusing project. But it takes a step back to remind us of the opportunities in prefabricated construction. By designing a kit of parts, architects, can then study and site and propose architecture that is customizable and sustainably appropriate.